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Pains from Golf

Golf Pain - Is It Possible?

Can you ever be in pain while playing golf when this sport is so relaxing? Yes they can! And not only pain, but also injuries. But you can prevent them. Professional fitness trainer Vladimír Veverka will advise you how to avoid or eliminate pain during golf.

The most common pains during golf are caused by overloading the most stressed parts of the body, which must then be solved by an orthopedist, or in the worst case, surgically. Golf swings require body rotation and considerable strength, so the body is very stressed in demanding movements. Vladimír Veverka, a professional fitness trainer and nutritionist, therefore advises strengthening for golf .

Golf Pain - What Hurts the Most?

Pain during golf manifests itself most in the lumbar part of the back. They are created due to the semi-rotational movement when hitting the ball. If you perform this movement incorrectly, a disc herniation may occur. Beginners and recreational golfers seem to be most at risk. However, pain during golf bothers not only recreational players, but also experienced players. Golf and health problems seem to go together like other sports.

The back is not the only part of the body that suffers. Golfing pain also occurs in the hands and feet. In certain strokes, the swing needs to be very energetic, which you will feel in the hands. Inflammation of the tendons of the forearm, or so-called golfer's elbow, is therefore a common phenomenon. Inflammation of the ligaments in the foot, attached to the heel bone, is in turn the cause of pain associated with walking on the golf course. Vladimír Veverka says that if you want to play golf, strengthening is the first step.

Other golfing pains include problems with the menisci and cruciate ligaments in the knees. They are caused by shifting weight from foot to foot and rotational movements in conjunction with long walking and often lead to arthritis. Golfing can also damage the group of muscles that move the shoulder joint, the so-called rotator cuff. Repeated rotational movement is the cause of inflammation of the appendages. Put yourself in the hands of fitness trainer Vladimír Veverka, who will prepare your body so that you don't feel any pain while playing golf.

Golf Pain - How to Avoid Them?

If the overuse continues and golf pain persists or even worsens , you may end up with damaged muscles and ligaments requiring surgery. Younger and younger generations are known to have spine problems caused by sedentary work. The musculature around the spine is flabby. If you decide to play golf, count on walking ten kilometers. Not only your spine will feel this, but also the muscles in your legs. You need strength in your hands to swing the ball properly.

In short, to avoid pain during golf, you need to strengthen. With targeted training, you will help the body to handle this sport without injury. The so-called you don't have to experience golf knee , golf shoulder pain, or golf back pain if your body is strengthened.

And the professional fitness trainer Vladimír Veverka will help you to avoid pain during golf. As your personal trainer and expert in proper nutrition, he will put together a tailor -made exercise program and diet that is closely related to success. It will help you get fit and motivate you to make golf as enjoyable as we all imagine it to be.

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Vladimír Veverka
Fitness AXAGYM - Hotel AXA
Na Poříčí 40/1051
Prague 1 - Nové Město

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